By dangerZone - 27/02/2013 16:43 - United States - Statesboro

Today, trying to be nice, I sat with the lonely kid at lunch. While eating, he started laughing and showed me his hit list. I was at the top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 097
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you're a girl, stay far away. He'll become your stalker for sure.

102 - when the person is the only one in the competition.

doglover100 28

He seriously needs to be reported.

saffy66 34

Well at least you know now - forewarned is forearmed right?

onorexveritas 23

there's a reason people feel the need to stay away o.o

perhaps tell someone about it to help him

Maybe he likes eating alone, and so does this kind of stuff deliberately to creep other people out so that they would leave him alone.

you should try to become his best friend to get your name off the list before its too late