By dangerZone - 27/02/2013 16:43 - United States - Statesboro

Today, trying to be nice, I sat with the lonely kid at lunch. While eating, he started laughing and showed me his hit list. I was at the top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 097
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments


a kid in the town over from mine got arrested for having a list like that. now granted he actually was going to kill them though kindve changes the story.

Or, you could just leave him alone. I was that type of kid once (save for the weird ass list), and generally all we want is solitude.

Hey, let's assume its his hot people list. You're on top. Now say his hit list was in order from hottest to ugliest. Either way, you win.

That's awesome but I wouldn't have been too frightened because he's clearly not too great of a hitman