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By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 04:01 - United States

Today, I went to a school football game alone. I sat next to these hot girls. To seem cool, I picked up my phone and had a fake conversation with the coolest guy in the grade. Halfway through, he came over and talked to the girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 673
You deserved it 62 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roxyluv 0

pretend u were talking to a guy with the same name as him "lol bob ur so funny" bob walks by "err I'm so glad I'm fortunate to talk to you from half way across the world bob who is not the bob infront of me"

Why is the coolest guy not on the football team?


they probably weren't even paying attention to you in the first place.. soo nothing to worry about :)

rallets 22

"so hey man where you at, im sitting next to these hot chicks" "im right here" :O "holy shit!"

KingDingALing 9

Wow. You're so ******* cool, OP (sarcasm). You sure as hell deserved that. Chances are that they weren't even paying attention to you. I hope that now they make fun of you for being such a retard.

Wow. The only reason i clicked YDI is because you should NEVER fake call anyone to impress someone. Girls do not fall for it. And since im assosiated in the gender column as a lady-creature then i should know;p

brycereid 0
srammer8 0

more of a creature than a lady but w/e

Fake calling won't make you cool. It makes you look like a fag and a loser.

you look like a fag and a loser, u sure you're not the one in the fml. haha

wowthatshorrible_fml 0
xsarahxy 0

u look like Ron from Harry potter on Steroids.

trying to look cool will never get you a girl dude. YDI for trying to act cool YDI for being bad at acting YDI for even using the word cool

way grade r U in 80 something if you kiss like that! hahahah jk

what do you think this is tv? girls don't like you cuz u talk to a popular guy unless he is famous

Why is the coolest guy not on the football team?

because it's not cool to play football, 'mnstream as eff'.

NickK49 0

4-Ok dip shit I know the coolest guys don't have to play football, but since you are obviously an asshole nobody would give a flying half shit about, maybe you should stick to ballet.

wow. can you chill the **** out? it was obviously just a joke. you need to stop taking things over the internet so seriously, idiot.

h0tTamales 0

your telling him that? wow. you guys are hypocrites XD

shakethat 10

if the team sucks ass I don't think anyone playing gets "cool points". just sayin

morganrules123 10

I went to two different high schools and at one football was cool but at the other football was lame.

oarisimo 4

39, it was a joke. change your tampon and chill out.

that's exactly what i was thinking ....

CableX17 0

Lol, I took ballet, nd I pwnd it;P

Maybe he played on the Basketball team?

This is such a fail. Try to impress them with your own 'coolness' next time (please take some time to develop it, you have a long way to go) and not by pretending to be cool because you know 'the coolest guy'. It's not attractive.

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Well at least he gets out of the house sometimes.

roxyluv 0

pretend u were talking to a guy with the same name as him "lol bob ur so funny" bob walks by "err I'm so glad I'm fortunate to talk to you from half way across the world bob who is not the bob infront of me"

Doesn't talking on the phone give people around you all the more reason to not pay any attention to you? I've never looked at someone on the phone and thought, "oh, now he's cool!"

PedoBearSaysYES 0

Also makes him one of those annoying pricks that talk on his phone during any event. IE: movies, sports, outdoors entertainment...

I like talking to girls while they're on the phone. They seem more attractive. :)

HannahPaloozah 0

I've never thought of it like that but it's true