By KillMeNow - 06/06/2011 06:27 - United States

Today, Twilight once again won all the awards at MTV, beating out Inception, Toy Story 3, Harry Potter, etc. This is MY generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 105 246
You deserved it 12 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's MTV, so who gives a shit what they think?

MTV is just a trend follower. they have no standards.


silly generation. We should've seen this coming, with all of the hype over the previous movies. we ought to go back to the 80's, where music was rock and roll, movies were Top Gun(not positive if that came out in the 80's), and television had decent programming not overrun by reality tv shows and cheesy sitcoms.

Ikr?!?! Can't we get some REAL movies in the theater's?

Im not 14...and i enjoy Harry potter and Twilight, the books more so then movies..but still, its nice to have a break from reality and think about other things. But Justin bieber or however you spell it is a different story...

GreenReaper 13

Two things... One: who the **** cares? It's stupid awards that no one cares about. Two: I saw like 10 minutes of it because my dad insists on watching everything like that, and I saw TOM FELTON who plays DRACO MALFOY in HARRY POTTER win BEST VILLAIN. Twilight won everything? You're just dumb.

ryri135 2

omg. who cares!! it's a movie. get over it!!

worstluckk23 0

i totally agree. there is no way kristen stewart is better than all the people she beat in best female performance. im glad twilight is almost over.

preach it! but MTV is crappy now anyways :/

Exiledprincess 4

If I were 16 and pregnant i'd get slapped and kicked out..not a tv show.

Exiledprincess 4

Stephanie Meyer can only focus on that one topic..Rowling however has plots, sub-plots, sub-sub-plots, etc. When reading Potter I actually see what's going on.