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By Anonymous - 10/07/2016 16:33

Today, two people came up to me at school, asking if I'd sell them some of my Adderall. I only just transferred here and have never mentioned my ADHD or the Adderall I take for it to anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 473
You deserved it 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Information has a funny way of getting around. Selling your meds is illegal though, so steer clear.


You need to let someone in the office know about that. Assuming you said no, you probably want someone to know about that.

Information has a funny way of getting around. Selling your meds is illegal though, so steer clear.

I don't know if the advice your giving is to not sell your medication, or make sure you do it without getting caught. Either way, both are pretty good advice.

Did they see you pick up your prescription?

Le_ponderer 14

Your reputation precedes you it seems... Just say no to the kids trying to buy it off you; maybe tell a teacher so there is an adult who has prior knowledge of your possession of the medication.

Because that won't get him bullied for being a snitch....

People will bully you for anything, it doesn't really matter what you do.

So you take a medication called ADHD for your Adderall condition? Or is this a joke like "dyslexia for cure found."?

The school nurse probably knows...they were probably put up to it by the administration to try and trap you.