By PaePae - 14/06/2019 21:31 - United States - Columbia

Today, I found out that I'm sensitive to the NuvaRing. It felt like I was a buffet for fire ants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 745
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

having been on fire ant mounds before, you and your va jay jay have my sympathies 😱

Try a copper IUD. My wife has one and doesn’t have any adverse symptoms form it.


having been on fire ant mounds before, you and your va jay jay have my sympathies 😱

turnabouttrial 21

can I ask how you ended up there on a fire ant hill

Try a copper IUD. My wife has one and doesn’t have any adverse symptoms form it.

Ignore Beyoncé. You don't have to put a ring on it just because you like it. Especially if it makes you feel like that.

BigSissy 14

🎶 I fell in to a burning ring of fire🎵. No wait, a burning ring of fire fell in to me. Sorry about your situation op