By Vexatious - 22/05/2015 16:27 - United States - Salisbury

Today, was my first experience having sex. It was also my first experience with a condom breaking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 566
You deserved it 5 144

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About 9 months and it'll be your first experience with a baby.


Please don't get an abortion. This condom broke, but you shouldn't kill the kid for it.

it's not supposed to go around your fist

That might have possibly been the most expensive sex you'll ever experience..

Been there done that, morning after pill!!

Life has great experiences but you have to BREAK the barriers to experience them

Guess you've stored it for too long time in your wallet

Maybe you should abstain for awhile OP.. Prepare for next time

AtherSheep 15

Same thing happened to me, and then every time after that as well. No matter how we put it on, how big the condom or how small the condom was. It just kept breaking. And it wasn't because I was dry and the friction broke it. We would go through it all, checking it if there was any holes and the expiration date, everything. I'd also get a allergic reaction from the condoms as well after everything was said and done. It was just such an annoyance that I just opted for bareback with pullout method. 5 years of sex and I'm still not pregnant (though, not sure if I am able to or not since I haven't had my uterus checked for a septum or anything like that) and my friends who were all on birth control that was suppose to keep you from getting pregnant, still ended up having kids. Out of everyone in my group. I am the only one without a child. I took no birth control had none inserted and stopped using condoms.

Remembered 14

How ******* lucky are you? Seriously though, regardless of luck, you should invest in some form of birth control if you're having sex regularly. Pull out method is far from reliable and condoms are cheap as shit. I think you can even get them for free from a Planned Parenthood facility.

Remembered 14

Edit: Just noticed you said you were having allergic reactions to condoms. Even so, there are several alternative birth control methods you should probably look into just to be safe.

Dont even worry about pregnancy, also worry about STD's.

AtherSheep 15

I have. I'm to forgetful to remember to take the pill every day, the patches and rings are expensive and the only real choice I have is the inner uterine device. The reason I wanted to do the patch is because my mother had an adverse reaction to birth control when she first got it and she is also allergic to condoms (hence why I am) and I'm not allergic to the same things my parents are all the time, but just to be safe, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to have some horrible reaction and not be able to take it out before damage is done. If I was using the patch and I have one, I take it of case closed. So I've been hesitant. I also don't want to find out if I can't have any form of protection because my body rejects it all.

AtherSheep 15

I've only had 2 sexual partners in the last 5 years. 1 was a virgin when we first had sex, the other had only had sex once before me ( at least he thinks, he doesn't even remember it or well claims he doesn't ) my current boyfriend and I love long distance right now, so sex is out of the question.

AtherSheep 15

I am std free, and plan on staying that way.

AtherSheep 15

Also, I guess I have some pretty awesome luck? Or it could be very shitty luck and I'm unable to get pregnant. Who knows. Lol, when I'm ready to start having sex again , I plan on going back to my obgyn doctor.

boeglie 16

my fiancee is allergic to latex but there are other types of condoms out there. latex is a common allergy these days. might be worth looking into so you don't push your luck too far...

AtherSheep 15

I'm allergic to the chemicals they put on the condoms, I'm allergic to sheep skin and latex.