By Vexatious - 22/05/2015 16:27 - United States - Salisbury

Today, was my first experience having sex. It was also my first experience with a condom breaking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 566
You deserved it 5 144

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About 9 months and it'll be your first experience with a baby.


I don't know why they call it plan B. I always use it as plan A.

You're supposed to squeeze the tip before putting it on.

I had that problem until I switched to magnums

labowski1976 5

This happened to me too... My first time the condom broke. It was the scariest thing ever. You may wanna take a pill.

Sometimes you can do everything right with a condom but if she isn't wet enough on the inside then it will stick to he vaginal walls when you first enter her. If you keep thrusting it even further in it will rip... Happened to me

Wouldn't have been an FML if you weren't a sinner and waited till marriage