By Vexatious - 22/05/2015 16:27 - United States - Salisbury

Today, was my first experience having sex. It was also my first experience with a condom breaking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 566
You deserved it 5 144

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About 9 months and it'll be your first experience with a baby.


Shit happens... hopefully you didn't score from first try

Don't panic, if you reached ****** or almost got there, you have to go get her a morning pill right away!

They are pesky things! My only trips to get the morning after pill have been because I thought I could rely on condoms (now I avoid the thinner 'sensitive' ones like a plague of babies). At least it means you know what to do to get one for next time!

pleasedie 22

You'll be experiencing being a parents next

Grauncho 27

Your partner really broke you in.

johnjay40 8

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Don't do that, that gives the condom more of a chance of breaking due to the increases friction

johnjay40 8

wish someone told me that, explains my kids

That's actually a bad idea. The friction causes the condoms to break faster.

mads_nicole 19

And that would be the reason I decided to wait..hope all goes well OP!

Waiting has nothing to do with a condom breaking, you could wait another 2 years for when you're "ready" and the condom can still break.

sethsmith11 21

I think she meant wait until she's ready and if she happens to run into this problem, she can support the child.

mads_nicole 19

That is exactly what I meant

Merylwen 24

That's very likely just because you didn't put it on correctly.

Sucks op! My gal and I have talked about it but we're waiting because that's one of her worries as well as mine.. Hope you don't get a kid from your situation

Well, that's unfortunate. And that's also why you should always have a back-up.