By failatboys - 14/06/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, was my senior prom. I've had a crush on my date for months, but after many attempts at grinding with him and sexy seduction, he rejected me saying he was a good Catholic boy. I later found out that not only is he in touch with his religion, but intimately in touch with other boys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 814
You deserved it 7 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it's not your fault when he's gay. In my opinion it would have been worse if you saw him being in touch with other girls.


twilax101 0

#39- these FML's do sometimes take to be moderated. And some high schools might be different. So why dont you do us all a favor and shut the hell up? thank you.

mydogsmellsgood 0

Wait a minute. Because a young man is in touch with his religion and didn't want to do you after you grinded him like a huge ****, he's gay? That's a really big leap. You sound like a bitter girl who likes to spread rumors when she doesn't get her way. If this young man took you to prom, he obviously had some interest in you. You are selfish and vindictive. YDI!

Every Catholic Church that I have been to has been full of hypocrite's # 32. I was raised Catholic and all that they did was preach about what you couldn't do or you would be sent to hell, but them turn around and say that God loves and accepts you no matter what. WTF?

Yeah... Religion can do things to you

pikL3bOi 0

I'm pretty sure u aren't alowd to b gay in cathlocism either for those of u satin good ol Catholics

#36, thats not true. A lot of high schools around my area are still having their proms, my cuzins hs is on the 20th. Dont be too ignorant

Why did you not know that about him, like you said in the comment you 'knew him' so how did you not know he was gay? This is a genuine comment and not hating you.