By SoVeryMonday - 30/11/2009 18:01 - Canada

Today, we rearranged the bedroom and my boyfriend and I switched sides of the bed. When the alarm went off, he got confused as to which side the clock was on. Instead of hitting the snooze button like he normally does, he hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 160
You deserved it 9 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you waited ten minutes then screamed in his ear, right?


califormula 0

Changing "bed sides" sounds like her idea

Kypopz 9

Oh my God, I laughed for like, 5 minutes straight. The scene just kept playing over and over again in my head.

tatersalad33 0

same thing happened to mee!! not.

this would be funnier if it weren't stolen from rules of engagement

This is an exact skit from Rules Of Engagement...

magnetic_aura 26

This happened on the TV show "Rules of Engagement"... Haha, hopefully you didn't have any lasting marks!