By BimmerDriver - 30/06/2013 16:34 - United States - New York

Today, what started off as an amazing date with my girlfriend ended with me driving her drunk ass home while she sat in the backseat making out with her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 228
You deserved it 11 392

BimmerDriver tells us more.

Because I won't let anyone drive drunk, no matter who it is. And it's cheaper to drive them home as opposed to paying for a taxi.

Top comments

You shouldn't let people take you for a free ride like that, OP.

you all are trashing on OP because he drove them home instead of letting them drive. I know for a fact most drunk people will not care for a taxi and will attempt to drive home, so if he were to put them in a cab he would have to pay. so saving himself the cash he drove them instead of letting them drive and potentially getting them both killed. OPs a pretty good guy for doing that and his EX obviously didn't deserve him.


I wouldn't be driving her home, much less her new "boyfriend".

Why in the hell would you drive them home? You should've made their drunk asses walk.

I don't think you deserved what happened, but I put ydi because you didn't have enough sense to tell her to f off. How could you actually drive her and her make out buddy to her house? What's wrong with you?

Dude I was listening to song you would relate to. Its called Self esteem by the offsprings.

advent2060 4

Lol that sucks, if I was you I woulda left her drunk ass there and went home. If she wants to play you like that she can figure out how to get home on her own

she shoulda gotten her own damn ride home.

Grow a pair and kick that drunk bitch out the car.

If she is drunk she will probably regret it in the morning... And why did u drive her "new boyfriend" home?!

i'm saying ydi because you shouldnt have given them a ride anywhere...

Better person then I would've been! I would've either left her drunk ass there or kicked them both out of the car while it was moving!