By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 21:49 - Canada - Drumheller

Today, while arguing with my newly ex-girlfriend over how she cheated on me with a mutual friend, she tried to wash her hands of any guilt, saying that I was "selfish" and "just slut-shaming, really". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 171
You deserved it 3 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyboop428 24

Yes, how selfish of you OP to expect faithfulness from your gf and loyalty from your friends. Just so selfish....


Just proves that she is in the wrong! Trying to put the blame on you, pathetic!

firstbasemaster 15

She just cant handle losing you

chocolatefrog28 29

Well, if the shoe fits... She knew better, did it anyway, and knows she should be ashamed. Projecting her issues back on you is just her way of not dealing with it, you're better off without her because she'll take a while to learn.

Not only is she a ****, she's a stupid ****.

football98_fml 20

did you happen to be carrying a mirror infront of her face

maybe not, sometimes people will act one way to get your attention, then pull a complete 180 when the have you.

OP- Good for you that you're willing to face facts- your ex is a noted authority on ***** and richly deserves to be dumped you and anyone else of quality who might have the bad fortune to know her.....

She realizes that she's calling herself a ****...right?