By Anonymous - 11/03/2010 22:44 - United States

Today, while at the dog park, I suddenly had to use the bathroom really badly. Since there weren't any facilities nearby, I decided to go behind a tree and relieve myself there. While doing this, two other owners, one who's in my math class, noticed me, despite me trying to hide. She definitely saw everything. School will be fun tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 227
You deserved it 26 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

My female friend was in the army on a field training exercise. She had to poop so found a private spot. Just as she was in the middle of #2, a group of Rangers filed past.


If she just sat there staring at your junk, she probably wants it. School is going to be great for you.

feverinurbeaver 0

she wants it in and around her mouth

Fair is fair. When your dog goes, you have to clean it. Did your dog clean up your mess?

at least you werent masterbaiting you fatass

xXD3m0nXx 0

hey man have been caught doing that but hey what's to be imbarrased about unless your a few inch's shy lol jk jk

mw2pride 0

tell her you were teaching the dog how to pee on a tree simple enough.. right?

MySimplicity 0

FYL if shes hot and your buddy down there is tiny, other then that Im guessing your gonna have a great day at school.