By Anonymous - 11/03/2010 22:44 - United States

Today, while at the dog park, I suddenly had to use the bathroom really badly. Since there weren't any facilities nearby, I decided to go behind a tree and relieve myself there. While doing this, two other owners, one who's in my math class, noticed me, despite me trying to hide. She definitely saw everything. School will be fun tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 227
You deserved it 26 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

My female friend was in the army on a field training exercise. She had to poop so found a private spot. Just as she was in the middle of #2, a group of Rangers filed past.


y would u take a dump by a tree? r u like retarded or something!

lol who cares if you're a dude? if you were a girl it would be different, but for guys it's all good

look at the bright side, if u hAve a large dick mabye she was turned on by it and she might hook up with u

heypeoplezzz 0

yeah. someone i knew was doing that and his head teacher same and saw him. everyone was talking about it. at least your head teacher didnt see you. anyway, theyll probley just forget ;) (unless theyre bullies :|)

Big_Al120 0

i was on probation in high school and had a female PO so my principals and disciplinarians would have to watch me give my urine samples

Igor_g5 0

Probably everybody at school is gonna be laughing cuz she's gonna tell how small it was.

You really put yourself into a piss-tastic situation, OP. YDI for doing something both foolish and illegal. Be thankful that you weren't arrested.

Kirlyfoo 9

am I the only one who noticed he sounds a bit like a chick in dis

strawberryswirl 0

I hate guys who piss outside. It's disgusting. Hold it in. We girls certainly manage to, and also not to spit everywhere, belch annoyingly loudly, and scratch ourselves.

tpauley19 0

if you have a big **** it shouldn't matter

you deserve it for pissing outside. it's not like you're an animal or something.