By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 21:09 - United States

Today, while at the grocery store, I saw my mother. I thought it would be funny to scare her by sneaking up and grabbing her ass. Not only was it not my mom, I left the place with a ban from ever returning to that store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 667
You deserved it 47 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is grabbing your mother's ass a normal thing for you?

Even if it was your mom why would you grab her ass?



So, grabbing your MOM'S ASS sounded fine to you OP? Just ******* leave my planet.

I am not sure what country u came from but in Canada we scare our mothers with a simple BOO we do not grab our mothers ass

Where is your respect for a WOMAN, for your MOTHER? YDI

Ok several times on this FML there are questions asked that need to be answered, because these questions are annoyingly repetitive (read before commenting, someone may have posted your obvious comment), so the answers 1 - Why grab your Moms ass? A. Scaring strangers. 2 - Who grabs their Moms ass? A. The OP and 3 - Is it normal to grab your Moms Ass? A. probably not.

cl4ptp 18

There are other ways to scare your mother. Grabbing her ass is a bit strange...

Why...the hell....did you want to grab your moms ass?

devilhunter216 3

oedipus rex has got nothing on you

sandinthewaves 5

Hey, who doesn't feel their mom up on regular basis? Disturbing to say the least.

You're a sick bastard. What the **** is wrong with you? YDI. and anyone associated with you, FTL.