By Frosty - 06/04/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, while at work at Wendy's, a lady came through the drive-thru with her kid. As I was handing them their order, her child points to me and exclaims "mommy, I thought you weren't supposed to work at places like this when you get older". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 763
You deserved it 9 854

r_frost20 tells us more.

r_frost20 0

I posted this comment yesterday as frosty. I just thought I'd clear up a few things for the repliers. Yes, I agree the job is lame. I'm a co-manager, though, and it pays well for what it is. I made 38000 dollars last year I'm only 22. I've worked there since I was 15. Way too long. I am a college student. I attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, which is quite a prestigious art school. I'm an animation/sound design major (Dual major). My current GPA is a 3.55 I have a full scholarship since my high school academics were pretty good. I posted this because even I thought it was hilarious.

Top comments

it's somewhat true. lol. but i won't bash you because at least you have a job.

Cheers for actually doing your best to sustain yourself during your studies ^^


I know a lot of people working at Wendy's and are really smart. Don't worry when that asshole of a kid grows up he might have to work somewhere lower then where you work.

doglover100 28

The mom needs to not be so judgmental.

Have you guys considered that maybe the mother told her child this because she wants him to have a decent job when he is older? Maybe it's not right but it doesn't make her a bitch...

Oh my gosh I live in Brunswick how funny haha lucky you getting to go to scad!