By Frosty - 06/04/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, while at work at Wendy's, a lady came through the drive-thru with her kid. As I was handing them their order, her child points to me and exclaims "mommy, I thought you weren't supposed to work at places like this when you get older". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 763
You deserved it 9 854

r_frost20 tells us more.

r_frost20 0

I posted this comment yesterday as frosty. I just thought I'd clear up a few things for the repliers. Yes, I agree the job is lame. I'm a co-manager, though, and it pays well for what it is. I made 38000 dollars last year I'm only 22. I've worked there since I was 15. Way too long. I am a college student. I attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, which is quite a prestigious art school. I'm an animation/sound design major (Dual major). My current GPA is a 3.55 I have a full scholarship since my high school academics were pretty good. I posted this because even I thought it was hilarious.

Top comments

it's somewhat true. lol. but i won't bash you because at least you have a job.

Cheers for actually doing your best to sustain yourself during your studies ^^


#16 - Get used to the feel of your hand; you won't ever **** anything else.

A job is a job, Right now I think my mom would be very happy to get hold of a job like yours!

Not everything in life is fair. All you can keep doing is trying to survive. Even if you work at a low end paying job it doesn't make you any less of a person. I find that some of the nicest and most positive people in the world can be poor.

Haha. Kids say the darnest things, eh? :D Haha. FYL. :D

nordies4 0
skyttlz 32

more like F the kids moms L

don't worry about it .. be proud u got a job n can support yourself

honstly kids don't know anything next time pop the kid in the face