By Username - 03/06/2011 14:04 - United States

Today, while babysitting I decided to play with a children's puzzle to pass the time. Fifteen minutes in I gave up. The kid then came over and put it together in less than five. There were only ten pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 952
You deserved it 59 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you were the kid always trying to put the square shapes in the circle holes weren't you?

Somebody never had a good education.


KiddNYC1O 20

See, I was just about to give you the benefit of the doubt and say "Oh, don't worry, the kid probably had plenty of practice..." but when you said there're only 10 pieces... you totally deserved it.

Gloritank 8

U mean edumacation dont cha? :]=

I can actually see this as a game show on Fox.

_OfficialCakesss_fml_fml 0
_OfficialCakesss_fml_fml 0

YDI for being dumb enough to not be able to complete a ten-piece puzzle. However, that kid has probably done that puzzle 50+ times and has memorized the positions of the pieces, so it is not surprising that the kid could complete it.

BustaCapInYoAss 5

That really is sad. Stay in school kids.

xbriix 0

she spelt then right. op used it as a time reference.