By Username - 03/06/2011 14:04 - United States

Today, while babysitting I decided to play with a children's puzzle to pass the time. Fifteen minutes in I gave up. The kid then came over and put it together in less than five. There were only ten pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 952
You deserved it 59 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you were the kid always trying to put the square shapes in the circle holes weren't you?

Somebody never had a good education.


it's because the child already did that puzzle 100 times before

baby sitting is probably the best job you'll have if you can't figure out a childrens game, although I'd seriously question hiring you to look after my children

crs121492 1

and they have you babysitting? for an emergency call 911 just a reminder!!!

just_a_dude_ 0

Well that sucks. But two good things to note: 1.) simple things can be hard when you think too hard. 2.) apparently the worlds future is in good hands lol.

amberntaylor 0
kasumii 1

Today, I complained on FML for being retarded. FYL you don't deserve sympathy.

10 pieces means it was a 5x2 puzzle, you are either retarded or can't count. Well, maybe it's 'and' not 'or'. Yep, definitely should be 'and'.

MuffyStJacques 0

I was doing 3-D puzzles at age nine. -_- Were you dropped on your soft spot as a baby?