By tammy - 27/06/2012 05:05 - United States - Inglewood

Today, while cashiering at the drug store, I saw my ex-boyfriend, who I'm still completely in love with. Being the only cashier, I had to ring him up. He was buying condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 131
You deserved it 3 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Javee 17

Hey, don't jump to conclusions. Condoms make awesome balloons.

He might have done it to make you jealous? You should've said 'oh, you got these a size too big, the extra smalls are on the right'


Lmao ! I would have said sorry I'm closed !!

Ugh, that is so awkward. As he was leaving you should have said, "Have fun, pencil dick."

Rory98 4

wow...what size? Ha ha, jk.

Alastrina_fml 20

He's an ex....and exes are exes for a reason. Why do you still love him? Stop wasting your energy and after you're done grieving for that relationship, MOVE ON. You'll be WAY happier than carrying a flame for someone who isn't interested anymore.

That really sucks. He couldn't go to another drug store? He may have just been trying to make you jealous.

"I'm pregnant." "It can't be mine." "It's your dads. He isn't returning my calls."

Hey don't rush to conclusions just yet, a lot of guys buy condoms at all times JUST in case, it doesn't mean anything is or is going to happen

Hey don't rush to conclusions just yet, a lot of guys buy condoms at all times JUST in case, it doesn't mean anything is or is going to happen