By JudasThePriest - 01/12/2013 07:42 - United States - Greensboro

Today, while delivering pizzas, someone ordered $19.41 in pizza and wings. After finally finding her appartment, she paid me in two sandwich bags full of pennies and nickels. I had to count them out before giving her the pizza. We aren't allowed to enter the residence, and it was 22 degrees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 581
You deserved it 3 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

At least you got paid in cold, hard cash. :)

JMichael 25


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Someone tried that BS when I worked retail. Always hold the item until you've finished counting if you accept it or tell them HELL NAW. I preferred the latter, surprisingly they found bills after that.

That's what I was thinking too. If not refusing the payment, just keep the food until all money is counted. If they complain about the food being cold, bounce the complaint back to the customer.

jarockstar27 10

People do it to short change. Hoping you will get impatient and not count it. But OP is responsible and counts it anyways :)

If it was celsius, what a dick. Fahrenheit, bigger dick, smaller balls. If they are paying for pizza with pennies and nickels, would you really wanna go in their abode?

thatkidpepe 1

imagine if he lost count and had to start all over again.

That horrible person deserves the cold pizza you should let her have. Leave it out in the cold for her!!

Ugh I feel your pain. I used to work at a shitty liquor store and we always had drunkards come in at like 1:30am and try to pay for $30-$40 items with baggies of change. Rolled is one thing, but I usually made them stand off to the side while I counted it, or just refused it, cause more often than not they were short by at least 5 bucks or so and thought I wouldn't count it. Bastards.

Being from Canada and reading the 22 degrees I was all like dang at least he gets to enjoy the weather.. But then it hit me lol poor you.. You should leave them a letter or something and let other coworkers know for future reference