By JudasThePriest - 01/12/2013 07:42 - United States - Greensboro

Today, while delivering pizzas, someone ordered $19.41 in pizza and wings. After finally finding her appartment, she paid me in two sandwich bags full of pennies and nickels. I had to count them out before giving her the pizza. We aren't allowed to enter the residence, and it was 22 degrees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 581
You deserved it 3 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

At least you got paid in cold, hard cash. :)

JMichael 25


Sounds like you were a "Victim of Changes"! If that were me "Delivering the Goods" I would be "Screaming for Vengeance"! And "You've Got Another Thing Coming" if you think I'd care if I were a "Hellion" and "Breaking the Law". I'd still pass the "Point of Entry". Unless the manager has an "Electric Eye" how would he know what happened before I was "Heading Out to the Highway"? (Any JP fans? No, just me)

you should have just taken the bags of coins and left. Even if it was a dollar or two short, you could have paid that out of your own pocket to not have to deal with that.

I would have walked away with the pizza. That's just mean

airborneary 4

Would you take the pizza back or let her keep it?

I think she did that shit on purpose, and thinking you won't count it OP, and leave.

You should have run away with the pizza and the money!

leagally you did not have to accept the pennies they are not leagle cash tender

LarissaT18 18

My step-dad tried to do that to a delivery person once. I took the change and paid them with my cash.

Ovoxo_5 5

**** that.I'd be like mam would you please directt me your nearest table.