By drivencrazy - 06/07/2010 16:42 - United States

Today, while driving, a girl on her cellphone cut me off. A second later, another person behind me on a cellphone rear ended me. Her excuse was, "I'm sorry, you weren't there a minute ago!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 908
You deserved it 2 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slap her across the face and say "pay attention!"


hahaha bitches can't drive to save their lives! I would know

monnanon 13

Its illegal in Britain but that doesn't stop idiots from doing it. What makes a phone call so important that they need to speak while they are driving.

BeuclerJuliette 0

people need to learn to stop talking on phones when driving. you wouldn't do it if you were at work or on a roller coaster. same concept. it's illegal and dangerous.

dingo353 0

You were able to see someone talking on their cell phone in the car behind you ?

YDI for not being there a minute ago. But seriously WTF? lame. her. (not you)

#113... it's called a 'rearview mirror'...