By drivencrazy - 06/07/2010 16:42 - United States

Today, while driving, a girl on her cellphone cut me off. A second later, another person behind me on a cellphone rear ended me. Her excuse was, "I'm sorry, you weren't there a minute ago!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 908
You deserved it 2 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slap her across the face and say "pay attention!"


u shudda got out the car & put foot to ass

Phichee 0

When will people get it through their heads that IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE SURGICALLY ATTACHED TO THEIR CELL PHONE? I guarantee that if these cell phone addicts got sent back to sometime in the early to mid-80s they would lose their bloody minds! Put the phone done for more than thirty seconds! You will actually manage to survive! Heh, I'll go so far as to say that cell phone users are far more obnoxious than smokers. Bah!

DThorn 3

It's funny how being on a phone makes people lose their track of time.

emilyk123 0

you wanna hear a joke?.....women drivers

BallinJ 0

who the hell drives with 2 hands? its better with 1 anyways. with 2, it looks dumb plus u tend to jerk the car back and forth.

UmbraeCatervae 0

wow man. make the bitch pay for your car