By drivencrazy - 06/07/2010 16:42 - United States

Today, while driving, a girl on her cellphone cut me off. A second later, another person behind me on a cellphone rear ended me. Her excuse was, "I'm sorry, you weren't there a minute ago!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 908
You deserved it 2 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slap her across the face and say "pay attention!"


pingpongpickle 8

should of slapped her, her phone, and her with the phone in the strong hand. Stupid talk on the phone drivin bitches with no regard for surroundings and use i didnt see you as an excuse. See the ROAD, BITCH, THE ROAD. The End :)

#23 "Farding"? I think you mean "farting"...

pingpongpickle 8

hahah, farding means putting on makeup while driving

#49 That's so weird! I've never heard that term before...

I hate people doing anything on their phone while they're driving. They either drive way to slow or swerve or don't hit their brakes etc. They just let anyone on the road, I don't like it.

Oh hell no! That beezy would have been on the floor if she did that to me. I have a mild case of road rage lol that's all bad!