By drivencrazy - 06/07/2010 16:42 - United States

Today, while driving, a girl on her cellphone cut me off. A second later, another person behind me on a cellphone rear ended me. Her excuse was, "I'm sorry, you weren't there a minute ago!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 908
You deserved it 2 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slap her across the face and say "pay attention!"


I think that using phones at all while you're driving should be outlawed. Good thing they weren't texting, though, you could have gotten hurt! :/

you should've punched her and said. that black eye assent there a minute ago....

3dog3x 3

things change many times in minut

Don't you see the common denominator, it's all these female drivers.

F- that man!!! sue them for everything they got for being so stupid!!!

longhorns554 0

oh I've had one guy tell me that "I didn't see anyone" and police officer said "well he was there, he hit you." lol

That's why it's illegal to drive while talking on your phone in Australia :) (unless you're using a hands-free set).

Cell phones will be the downfall of humanity. Aliens will wipe us off the face of the Earth because of something some asshole on his cell phone will do.

I love how both the bad drivers were