By authorx - 27/06/2013 04:39 - Canada - Toronto

Today, while driving during rush hour, I was singing so loudly that some jackass in the car next to me felt he should get my attention by throwing a wadded-up McDonald's bag through my open window, hitting me in the face with it, and telling me to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 376
You deserved it 50 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you checked for bag fries! There are always a few that escape to the bottom of the bag. They're like a little gift at the end of your meal. Just when you think you're done and there's nothing left to enjoy... POOF! Bag fries!


Today, some jackass was singing so loudly in their car I had to throw a wadded up McDonalds bag to get them to shut up. FML.

reymon8823 24

YDI for your obnoxious narcissism. Next time shut the windows or shut your trap

Why is it called rush hour if no ones moving?

Because that is the hour in which everyone is rushing to work. You would not have rush hour at midnight because most people are at home already.

I often sing quite loudly in my car, and sometimes with the window down... but I wouldn't sing while in a traffic jam. I do the same with bus stops, I sing loudly as long as I'm alone, but I stop when other people come, just not to annoy them (even though I sing quite well).

Everybody's a critic, and you had quite an audience. Save your singing for the open road.

So your telling me he's not lovin' it?

You're probably one of those assholes that blares their music all loudly for the whole world to hear. YDI.

Before you start to sing top of your longs, please close the window. Thank you.