By yuuupyup - 18/04/2012 00:55 - United States - Somerset

Today, while driving home, I realized I forgot my house key. Luckily, when I arrived home, someone had already broken into my house. Guess I didn't need the key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 430
You deserved it 2 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He didn't even lock the door on his way out? What an asshole.

tomtato 10

Did you leave the cookies out, maybe it was santa?


VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I happen to agree with 39 here. That burglar should not be given the luxury of ******** after the crime they have committed. Hopefully they didn't steal OP's sewing machine while they were at it.

Maybe he intentionally said sew. Some people are into that shit. :P

wlddog 14

Not only is your spelling terrible but you also lack the ability to understand that what you just said was impossible. If he knew were the thief lived he could have the police simply get his stuff back and send the crackhead to jail. Lacking the thirds address the summons to court for a lawsuit would be a futile act.

Thats the attitude we like ,congratulations!!!

hellbilly205 17
hellbilly205 17

What a nice guy, he helped you get into your house and i bet he did'nt even know it, good deed to him. (sarcasm font)

linkinpark98 23

I am so sorry. When I went through it, I felt violated and anxious and pissed off. I hope they catch the person or people.

You would have done it yourself anyway. Someone beat you to it.

Too bad the llama in your living room did not spit on the burglar, then head butt them.

grace12898 0

It was the jersey devil!!!!! When I was younger I played poptripica (I know, immature) and they had a cryptids island for proving different myths right, the jersey devil was on there it looked scary as hell and arse ugly

Trisha_aus 15

He didnt even say good bye?! The robber on the other Fml had manners at least