By yuuupyup - 18/04/2012 00:55 - United States - Somerset

Today, while driving home, I realized I forgot my house key. Luckily, when I arrived home, someone had already broken into my house. Guess I didn't need the key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 430
You deserved it 2 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He didn't even lock the door on his way out? What an asshole.

tomtato 10

Did you leave the cookies out, maybe it was santa?


Trisha_aus 15

But hey at least the bloke didn't take your daughter's my little pony collection!

wlddog 14

Hope they didn't break your IKEA furniture.

IbizaNightclub 3

Sorry about that... You want your flat screen back?

greengremlyn28 7

Isn't your house key on the same key chain as your car keys?

Maybe you didn't forget your key, maybe the burglar took it

You need to get some security if a burglar was able to get into your house in that short of a time span! Maybe you should put your keys on the same key ring...