By Drewbie - 13/01/2013 08:53 - United States - Park City

Today, while having sex with my girlfriend on the bathroom floor, I felt something tickle my balls. I looked back to see her sister's kitten getting in on the action. I think I just had my first threesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 804
You deserved it 8 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathbatchickk 8

Soft kitty Warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty Sleepy kitty Won't you feel my balls


Hey look on the bright side, two is better than one!

This comment works well combined with the fact that it shows up twice on my app.

So: the kitten came in and managed to somehow touch you. You could make anything out of it, but chose to think of it as a threesome with the kitten...

Yongchi 11

Picture this we were both butt naked banging on the bathroom floor. *please God let some of you get this reference*

...Sex on floor tiles? didn't the cold turned you off???

You haven't lived till you do it on the bathroom floor!! Those dirty sorts talking about how 'unsanitary' sex in a bathroom is, I suggest you get some bleach, toilet brushes and gloves and clean your shit up. Bloody trolls! Eurgh

Fur burger x 2, gotta think about that just a little bit more dude..