By Drewbie - 13/01/2013 08:53 - United States - Park City

Today, while having sex with my girlfriend on the bathroom floor, I felt something tickle my balls. I looked back to see her sister's kitten getting in on the action. I think I just had my first threesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 804
You deserved it 8 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathbatchickk 8

Soft kitty Warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty Sleepy kitty Won't you feel my balls


You better hope It's declawed.... cats tend to play with things that dangle

dannnngthatsux 19

Yeah, hope you had it's fingers removed, oh wait, declawing does!

And I thought it was weird that my boyfriend's cat liked to watch...

dannnngthatsux 19

It was just confused, 'why don't you bite her? That's the only way girls* get off...! Do it, bite her!' *Female felines.

Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever. Wonderfull song

LilLube 2

Well now you can check "threesome" off your bucket list!

Why are you having sex on a bathroom floor how unsanitary.

The bathroom seems the most sanitary , tiles are easy to clean.

If they actually clean the tiles I can't remember the last time I cleaned my bathroom floor although I don't have sex on it if I did maybe I'd be more apt to clean it

48: Eww... you never clean your bathroom floor? Dirty goblin.

Then I would nit have sex on your bathroom floor. Besides a tile floor doesn't seem very comfy.

A tiled floor would be rather cold for sex, I imagine they would be doing it on a towel or something rather than directly on the floor.

They make heated tile floors they are actually quite nice

48 just because you don't clean your bathroom floor doesn't mean others don't.

Try shagging in the shower next time. You'll be kitten free and it's more sanitary, win win

Gotta trim those ball hairs if they resemble a ball of yarn.

y were you having sex on the bathroom floor with the door open, your just asking to be humped by that kitten

Probably cause when things get "hot" and your home alone with your girl, the last thing you are worried about is a cat jumpin in

So i guess you got the cats tongue for once LmaoFF