By CandyCrushAddict - 21/09/2013 15:09 - United States - Wilson

Today, while having sex with my wife, my Candy Crush addiction hit me full force, and all I could do was think about possible moves I could make in the level I'm stuck on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 393
You deserved it 51 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really don't understand the appeal of that game, or how people can spend hours playing it. Could someone shed some light?


Sex can boost one's creativity and problem-solving ability, but YDI for playing Candy Crush and actually being willing to put that ahead of your wife. Now, if you had the chance to eat bacon-encrusted bacon I'd let it slide, once. Otherwise, nothing should come between you and your wife having sex.

TyT63 12

I bet that candy crushed the mood

perdix 29

Well, if you get the chocolate going everywhere, you might need to gift your wife a home enema kit!

zRatio 6

Sounds like you need to make things more exciting!!! Hahaha put some thought into it

You are pathetic... get a life lol. That game sucks anyways

Candy Crush Saga is not my personal favorite game. I actually hated it. In fact, I spent $2 trying to advance to a new level. I then quickly realized what I have done, and uninstalled it immediately. Never again. ._.

thats horrible .you are suppose to enjoy that time with your wife not worry about some game.. thats sad