By Bobby - 10/08/2012 11:42 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, while housesitting my neighbor's dogs the phone rang. I answered it and a voice said, "Stop checking your Facebook and take care of my dogs. They look like they need to go out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 307
You deserved it 33 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously do your job. You're not getting paid to go on Facebook. Ydi

JimSweatshirt 6

It was probably one of the dogs watching you


Facebook wastes time...hence your not doing your job...and it looks like your no longer on the list to watch them...they are looking for the cream of the crop...

um housesitting isn't an actual job. it's where you live in someone's house for them and take care of their pets and plants while they're gone. living there means doing whatever you want, as long as it doesn't involve tearing up their stuff. it shouldn't involve being harassed for going about your business just because the owner feels like it.

MyWorldAway 0

howl did they see their dogs. do they have camaraderie in the house or did u have one on? CREEPY some pellets are way to overboard about their animals.

Lol really, dogs are not that much work, but pretentious dog owners are!!!

KometsVball14 4

There is a huge explosive argument about this. Chill guys, it's an FML. I think it is funny that the guy has a nanny cam, and creepy that the OTP said it was "voice". Just let them out then check your Facebook. If it was a false alarm, get used to it.

Valentine_Beauty 5

wow....why is there a serious argument about a small matter...

XxWolfyGirlXx 16

How'd she know they needed to go out? Cameras..?

Why did he hire you if he knew you were not paying attention