By Bobby - 10/08/2012 11:42 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, while housesitting my neighbor's dogs the phone rang. I answered it and a voice said, "Stop checking your Facebook and take care of my dogs. They look like they need to go out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 307
You deserved it 33 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously do your job. You're not getting paid to go on Facebook. Ydi

JimSweatshirt 6

It was probably one of the dogs watching you


KiddNYC1O 20

Their money, their house, their rules.

baileygirl88 8

Even if you were on Facebook who gives a crap?! They're dogs not kids ...the creepy part here is that this person knew you were on Facebook at all...

doglover100 28

That's creepy that they knew. It's their house and their rules but it's not like they are kids where they need to be watched constantly.

What do you guys expect her to do? Stay over there 24/7. You don't know the whole story. She could've checked on them, didn't need anything and went back and got on her computer for awhile.


Honestly, regardless of whether you're paid or not, it's obviously cheaper to pay you than to kennel, and so you're doing them a favor... So as for the camera, I can understand then not wanting their house destroyed, but watching your personal habits and calling you on it while you're helping them is unacceptable. I would not only take the dogs to a kennel and charge it to them, but never speak to them again. I have an anti-stupidity policy.

That isn't true. I'm paid more a day to dog sit for my neighbor's at their house then it would to take them to a kennel. But I do an amazing job, and don't just sit there playing on the computer or watching TV the entire time. The OP is more worried about talking to people on Facebook then to take care of the dogs SHE is gettig paid to do. YDI

Aw the world is full of tards... I've seen dogs eat a dead dog, they'd be fine without supervision, so paying that much is dumb.

133, you can't just take other peoples dogs to a kennel & charge it to them, unless you want a lawsuit for abandoning your job (& their pets)...amazing that you claim to have an "anti-stupid" policy...especially since your comment proved exactly the opposite.

You're "house-sitting" your neighbours "dogs"?

And nobody thinks it's creepy the neighbor is watching the housesitter? OK.

140, nope...don't think that @ all...why should I let someone rummage through my house, boogers on my couch, possibly steal from me (yes, I have cameras in my house & I let sitters know before hand) & why waste good money I've paid them only to find them on FB & my house full of poo cause they didn't walk my dogs? Some people on here just seem to have no real logic...if they're doing what they are there for then there shouldn't be an issue.

Stop submitting FMLs and go take care of my dogs; they look like they're hungry.

If it is immensely hard for you to understand what she's saying then maybe you're just stupid. It wasn't that poorly written.