By nancie - 02/08/2018 20:30

Today, while I was at work, my husband threw out 50 out of my 70 T-shirts, all of my tank tops, and all but one of my sweaters. I'm not getting them back because they're burning in a bonfire in the backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 866
You deserved it 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, Clearly there is more to the story than this. Please let us in on it.

chris_lillo 15

While he is enjoying that "bonfire" I would enjoy his credit card and replace your belongings.


why did he do that?? if it is to clear sdsce, he needs you first! if it is because he is angry, he ideally needs a better way of dealing with his anger.

DraftHail614 17

I'm sure there are other ways to make some sdsce anyway. Burning clothes doesn't seem all that efficient.

I tried burning clothes to make sdsce but just ended up wth covfefe

haha!!! fair enough!! I did have a bad typo from typing late at night. I was trying to write 'space'.

Wtf does sdsce stand for? I find no such acronym...

it means Shockingly Darstardly and Surprising Cooking Equipment

chris_lillo 15

While he is enjoying that "bonfire" I would enjoy his credit card and replace your belongings.

One up him, and set fire to all his favorite possessions. Oh, and then burn all his clothes whilst he's in the shower.

I think there's more to this story. Maybe find out WHY before escalating the problem?

OP, Clearly there is more to the story than this. Please let us in on it.

He'd better have taken you out shopping after he pulled this stunt!

8313girl 28

Damn girl, what did you do?? I definitely need a follow-up on this story.

The phrase “liar liar pants on fire” taken to a whole new degree.

Get out and get out NOW. There is zero excuse for this. Disrespect for your personal space and belongings is right up there with animal cruelty as a huge red flag for eventual physical abuse. It's not a matter of if he escalates it, but when. Don't stay in that house a moment longer than you have to!

Emma Marshall 19

That's a form of domestic violence.... controlling