By catdog552 - 28/02/2013 11:02 - United States

Today, while I was studying for an exam, my younger sister came home extremely drunk and threw up all over herself and her bed. I later got grounded for not setting a better example. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 973
You deserved it 2 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Studying? Getting an education? Caring about grades? How dare you corrupt your sister like that!

Did you at least offer her pancakes? jerk.


That really sucks :/ did your sister get in trouble at all?

I'm sorry, what? I usually ignore such comments, but with this, I literally have NO idea what you're even trying to say! Please, elaborate for me! :)

He asked if the sister got in trouble at all. What's there to not understand?

Oh, he edited his comment! Before it just said "fh". I look stupid now. :P

He's probably extremely wasted on various substances.

iOceanus 18

10: They probably did that to get the first comment...

May I first clear up that I'm a girl, and second yeah I edited my comment, so no need to hate on the first reply! Sorry about that :/

we have only seen one side of this story, don't jump to conclusions yet. While I was in university studying engineering, since we were really busy, we just party extra hard when we had time, then went back to work hard next day. OP could be in similar case.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Studying? Getting an education? Caring about grades? How dare you corrupt your sister like that!

Wait, there's something wrong with this picture, I can't quite put my finger on it...

mecreys 7

tell your mom she's the one supposed to be setting examples and that she's not doing such a hot job

vadaaa 11

But but… 44 is a woman… *head explodes*

Gosh you should have been doing this so you could have been a warning.. Jeez so inconsiderate..

yep, definitely only happens to us older siblings...

You totally deserve it for not going out and getting drunk then coming home and throwing up on your Mom's bed instead. Would be a much better example!

Looks like someone is the favourite.... And it's not you.