By thunderthighs644 - 23/11/2011 03:21

Today, while jogging, I heard an odd clapping sound over the sound of my iPod. I stopped running, and the sound stopped. This continued for an hour before I realized the slapping sound was my thighs slapping together violently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 11 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2 choices! 1)Keep jogging 2) turn the music up!

You're jogging those thunder thighs off though, so it's okay OP!


You'll notice that the more you run, the softer the clapping will get.

I guess it's a good thing you're jogging, then. Keep it up and you'll never hear your thighs clap again!

jogging outside is actually more effective. you've got wind resistance, different levels of friction, alternating inclines, etc etc..

ewputthataway 0

I thought there was a machine that did that to..the treadclimber, wasn't it? Idr.

Awe >.< I hope all that jogging will pay off soon! Just believe in yourself :D

FYLDeep 25

Well I'm sure you're well on your way to being in good shape. There's no way I could run for an hour straight.