By myasshurts - 14/10/2011 23:03 - United States

Today, while lying in bed with my boyfriend after some steamy lovemaking, he sat up, slapped my ass with excruciating force, and screamed, "I AM THE THUNDER!" directly into my ear. It seems our senses of humor differ considerably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 735
You deserved it 6 665

Same thing different taste


Does your username "Myasshurts" have anything to do with the steamy lovemaking?

Haiana04 3
LadyLexi 0
blowntegdb8 5

Should have told him to make your pussy rain!! I wouldn't have gone and said that without turning that steam into a downpour ...between your legs!

Dont feel too bad...mine does the same thing:/

Sounds like something my boyfriend would do. FYL OP D:

Your fault, get a less shitty relationship.

I found this utterly hilarious. But some advice - maybe you should find out about your different senses of humor BEFORE sleeping with him? Just a thought.