By Anonymous - 14/07/2013 19:37 - Brazil - Campinas

Today, while mourning my friend's recent passing, my dad told me to shut the fuck up because "worse things are going on in the world". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 781
You deserved it 4 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dallasluver19 14

Death is the worse thing that can happen.


perdix 29

Yeah, the Glee dude died. I'm sure your friend was an OK person, but he couldn't hold a candle to the Glee dude!

perdix 29

#16, actually, I shouldn't. Obviously, I'm making a joke to a total stranger and the dad is serious to his own flesh and blood. I don't know how you can even compare us!

jw90 18

Yikes. Sorry about your friend.

The worst thing going on is when your insensitive dad opens his mouth. Sorry for your loss OP

cottoncandymango 17

What a disgusting and ignorant remark; for so many reasons. There is no comparison in human suffering.

toxxickittyy 19

I hate it when people say that. "Oh you shouldn't feel bad because people are starving in the world." That, in no way, directly affects me or anyone in my life and how they feel, and its stupid and insensitive to say things like that when you have no idea what someone is going through.

It seems your dad is lacking sympathy and more importantly, empathy. Sorry for your loss OP.

Your father acted in a very rude way. He should have known that your friend was important to you. Sorry for your loss, OP.

TheHeavyOne 15
graceinsheepwear 33

I am sympathetic, but from your wording, maybe you were talking about it too much or too long to someone who isn't empathetic. Try a different shoulder to lean on. Your dad could be in his own crisis that he has shielded you from. I know I will get downvoted here--just trying to see both sides.

I'm sorry OP but your dad is very inconsiderate! People deal with death in so many different ways and the amount of time can't really be determined.