By Anonymous - 14/07/2013 19:37 - Brazil - Campinas

Today, while mourning my friend's recent passing, my dad told me to shut the fuck up because "worse things are going on in the world". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 781
You deserved it 4 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dallasluver19 14

Death is the worse thing that can happen.


Screw your Pop. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

He's overcome with big deal just the anger phase...

Nice time he's upset say the same....

Tell him to shut the **** up, and ask him what he would do if it were one of his friends. I know someone who literally held her blood-covered friend as he died from a suicide attempt, and if she'd just been about six minutes earlier… just tell your dad to shut the **** up!

Hope you feel better OP. sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry to say this but it appears that your dad has no feelings and no heart :/

Some people don't know how to deal with death OP. Personally, death is one of my phobias so at times I've said insensitive things or tried to make light of the situation because it's hard for me to say that I'm uncomfortable talking about the subject at hand. Maybe your dad is experiencing something similar and just doesn't know what to do or say.

Your dad is a prick. Sorry for your loss

Obey_StudBoii 23

That was rude of your dad to say that.