By Anonymous - 06/10/2011 15:23 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was asleep, I gave him a soft kiss and whispered how handsome and gentle he looked. His response, still asleep, was to roll over and let out a massive fart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 887
You deserved it 11 312

Same thing different taste


Well what exactly did you expect OP? A confession of love??

KingBrewster 6

I would do anything for a girl that would do that. I know I wouldn't be awake for it, but it still shows how deep and serious she much for the girl I almost married. v.v

What did you expect him to do? Miraculously wake up and compliment you back?

comon he was sleeping! im sure you fart when you sleep to, give him a break

That isn't so bad! I'd be wetting myself laughing if it was me xD

LOL my husband does that all the time. Be sure to let a stinky one rip.

You make front hole so happy, back hole blow kiss! :)