By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was packing for his annual hunting trip, I saw him slip a box of condoms into his bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 018
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeAreAHurricane 14

He's just looking for game.... (bad pun, I know...)


bradley20002 0

I'm a hunter and I use them to put over the end of my gun barrel if it starts to rain so water and mud don't get in the gun


"Jack Twist, Jack Nasty!!!" lol (Brokeback Mtn)

Tmoney20 3

Well at least he's having safe sex when he's cheating on you! Now let's hope it's with a human and not a majestic 200 pound hog or deer... Lol sorry.

Hunting in brokeback mountain with a friend??

Condoms are for the muzzle of the rifle if you have to go into the water. No cheating there.

I would slip all his things outside before he gets back. Don't forget to put new locks on all the doors.