By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was packing for his annual hunting trip, I saw him slip a box of condoms into his bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 018
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeAreAHurricane 14

He's just looking for game.... (bad pun, I know...)


Packing condoms on a hunting trip is suspiciously like brokeback mountain. At least it's not bareback mountain.

Lol this is too easy. So Im not even gunna start with the jokes good luck with that.

EvilDave 13

Maybe, just maybe, it is for easy cleanup after rubbing one out.

Loper96 0

Brokeback mountain (cough, cough)

KaThRyN123456789 0

Ask him why he needs those to go hunting and dump him after his lame excuse!!

If they weren't fancy you've got nothing to worry about, codons keep guns clean in crappy conditions.

zander4310 5

lubricated - bad news unlubricated - red box of trojans They are for water and/or gun storage.