By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was packing for his annual hunting trip, I saw him slip a box of condoms into his bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 018
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeAreAHurricane 14

He's just looking for game.... (bad pun, I know...)


minidinosaurgoes 9

Condoms are for safety. If you get lost, fill it with water and it works as a magnifine glass to start a fire. It can also be used to store water if your canteen breaks.

Some hunters like myself use condoms to cover the end of the barrel of our guns to protect them from dust, dirt, snow, etc. when going to our hunting spot, they need to be taken off to fire your gun safely, he may have brought a box if he plans on going out into the field quite a few times.

mcnasty1497_fml 0

Maybe he wants to pee on the condoms and throw it at the deer

'Bird' hunting... (British derogotory slang for girlfriend!)

I can virtually guarantee that they're to protect his gun...or maybe rifle. (Everybody: This is my rifle; this is my gun/This is for fighting; this is for fun!)

All he's doing is trying to keep his barrel clean..

This sounds very brokeback mountain to me!

I see I'm like the hundreth person to have noticed this.

You use them to cover the barrel of your gun when it rains or snows.