By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was packing for his annual hunting trip, I saw him slip a box of condoms into his bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 4 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeAreAHurricane 14

He's just looking for game.... (bad pun, I know...)


Rody412 0
sarahac_2004 1

#144 I agree with you. OP obviously thinks he's gonna cheat, but is to dumb to take the hint to go with him. Maybe he wanted OP to see so she would want to go.

They were used in ww1 to keep dirt out of the barrel, maybe he saw it in a movie?

hateevryone 14

when he get to his destination, call him and break-up with him. ruin his trip.

Haha my ex did this alot and never did anything he wanted to see how long before I figured out ha

Hope you confronted him as soon as you saw him do it.

I hope he's no longer your boyfriend.

It may not be what you think, OP. A common trick to keep dirt, water and debris out of the barrel of a gun is to put a condom on the barrel. I guess you could say he's bringing protection for his OTHER stick xD

obviousboy 8

Pussy, the most sought after and hunted thing in the world.

bizarre_ftw 21

And yet, it's only endangered in China

He's always prepared for Chuck Testa out there in the woods.