By KayDayParade - 28/08/2011 00:38 - United States

Today, while paying for groceries, I opened my wallet to find that all my cash had been exchanged for Monopoly money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 377
You deserved it 3 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkHelmet 10

Go directly to jail Do Not Pass Go Do Not collect $200!!


herop 0

Woow i think its time to change your monopoly with monopoly credit card version :D

julz1115 0

That could always be worse...OPs credit card might go missing then...

muhilrashid 4

Uhuh do you lil kids cause they do that stuff or someone thought it be funny to **** with you haha

Is it at least enough to buy boardwalk? You could live like a king!

qhostred 0

Did you at least pass go and collect 200?

hewdud 0

Haha wow, kids or a shut in disabled person in the house?

Did they accept the money or did you go back to start?