By Deweyboy - 10/10/2015 04:33 - United States

By Deweyboy - 10/10/2015 04:33 - United States
By skeletor - 18/02/2009 03:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 19:44 - United Kingdom - Addlestone
By guess28 - 14/07/2009 18:19 - Puerto Rico
By rawdoglyfe69 - 17/04/2013 06:14 - United States - Helena
By anonymous - 06/09/2016 03:05 - United States - Monroe
By evecamp - 10/02/2010 05:09 - United States
By ThePopeMan - 17/03/2009 17:42 - United States
By anonymous - 20/02/2010 01:47 - Ireland
By notsogood - 08/11/2013 20:02 - United States
By Jon - 23/05/2011 18:46 - United Kingdom
I don't understand why people tell others their sexual life... That's something that should stay between you and your partner. Also, if you want changes THEN TELL YOUR PARTNER.
It said it was during a game so they may have been playing something like Truth or Dare or Never have I ever.
On the other hand, that implies that she's never given herself one, either. Part of the problem could simply be that she doesn't know what she needs to achieve ****** because she's never done it herself. Perhaps you should help her explore.
It sad that you don't know your girlfriends body better because I pleasure my girlfriend thoroughly before I worry about self-satisfaction
But if he only knew her "fake orgasms" how was he supposed to tell the difference? She might've been his first sexual partner as well. Some girls have never masturbated or even explored and just lie there and moan a bit because they think that's what's expected of them and think their partner will just magically give them an ******. I don't really blame the OP if she gave him the impression that she was having fun.
In what century do you live that you still believe "some" women don't **********?
That is something she should have told you in private. She should be communicating with you if there is a problem, not blurting it out in front of people.
While it would have been a shock to hear this from a group conversation, I still think YDI. There would have been plenty of times where you could have spoken about what you enjoy/don't enjoy, what she wants you to do. You are as much to blame for this not being discussed before as she is.
Op thought she WAS satisfied, so obviously they thought what they were doing satisfied her.
And that's why you don't fake an ******. FYL, OP
I blame this on the shroud of mystery and taboo that society generally covers sex and it's associated forms in. It is a healthy, pleasurable activity that 2 (or more) consenting mature persons should engage in; with frank discussions on what each others sexual preference is. The best time for the verbal enlightenment is pre or post-coital, I think. Final note, you have to learn what you like before you can teach it to someone else. So explore your body and own it!
Twat. FYL, OP.
Tell your friends you've never had an ****** then
She said she never had an ******, not that she never had one just with "you". Some women have a difficult time having an ******. But they can still enjoy sex none the less. Did she lie to you and say she did or did you just assume that a moan here and there was her climaxing?