By Bigpoppa0507 - 31/08/2011 14:02 - Canada

Today, while playing with bubble wrap, I dislocated my thumb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 405
You deserved it 14 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly "playing with bubble wrap" is a euphemism for masturbation. Be more careful next time, big boy.


Drink more milk so your bones won't be as brittle.

The bones didn't break. The joint dislocated. BIG difference.

baconboy1998 0

baconboy1998- I tried so hard to see this from your point of view but I just couldn't get my head that far up my ass. You're never too old for bubblewrap.

That comment is awesome. Hahahaha. Love it. I agree with you.

Don't hate the bubble wrap. It will come, and it will kill you in your sleep. Do not hate the bubble wrap!!!!!

pvtgrey6289 4

If it's in front of me, I must pop the bubble wrap! It's a sickness!

superangryandy 2

Pippity pop can't stop the pop!

Sonic_boomerang 5

You're not supposed to push that hard

How can something as amazing as bubble wrap do that to people?

It was his own doing. Don't blame the bubble wrap, never blame it!

I suppose so but bubblewrap protects things it shouldn't break them *says in anxious voice and head explodes"

Who really knows the evil that lurks within???

Who doesn't know that bubble wrap is a weapon of mass destruction??? FYL