By -.- - 20/09/2013 23:58 - United States - Lakeside

Today, while riding the bus, the person next to me broke into a coughing fit. Fortunately, he covered his mouth. Unfortunately, he used my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 564
You deserved it 2 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctors do say that, instead of your hand, you're supposed to use the crook of the arm to cover your mouth when you cough. They just don't usually specify whose arm.

perdix 29

He should be arrested for arm robbery!


If only little bugs grow bigger. You would have your own army OP.

that's so wrong I hope you smacked the cough right out of him

Is this Sally with no arms? Either way why use your arm...hope you got some sanitizer to clean that off...

ghil15 8

and you just let him use your hand with out a fight?...

Should have used your fist OP. I know I would have..... over and over and over.....

rockne93 17

You need to give him a throat punch, OP

Wait... Its not normal to grab a strangers arm and cough in it...?